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S.O.S. Dental emergency

How many times have we found ourselves suddenly with a strong toothache or pain in the gums?

Pronto soccorso odontoiatrico Brescia

A toothache is never a pleasant experience and is dull, sudden which often with no escape. It strikes in the most inappropriate moments when the dentist is on holiday or on Sundays or during the night when all practices are shut.

Panic suddenly takes over because we don’t know what to do, where to go to ask for help!
In these cases, the most important thing is not to lose time and not be overtaken by anxiety because the solution is available and it’s called the dental first aid….

Emergency situations can occur but the important thing is to resolve them in an appropriate way.

Our dental practice in Brescia offers this type of private service (by appointment) and is a simple way that has been thought up and structured to quickly manage the individual dental emergencies presented by the patients.

The person doesn’t have to do anything but call and ask for an urgent visit. In this way, it is up to the doctor to establish the priority for an appointment on the basis of the seriousness of the symptoms reported by the patient.

Usually when we talk about toothaches, the most common emergencies are: abscesses, fillings, broken tooth capsules.

Our system guarantees an immediate and effective service at any time!

Dental cures: when and how can we start talking about urgency?

There are several types of urgency in the dental field.

When toothaches become hellish and unbearable and no analgesic is able to bring any, even momentary, relief, it is important to immediately consult your dentist or the dental first aid.

It’s worth opting for first aid when there are cases of heavy bleeding and uncontrollable or strong pain. In these cases, it is necessary to first remedy and then definitely eliminate the pain by curing the cause.

Let’s remember that anti-inflammatory and painkillers can stop the pain in its acute stage but they can’t cure the cause of the problem: we are dealing with palliative care which requires the intervention of a specialist.

Another type of emergency is the breaking of a tooth after a trauma or an accident - therefore something sudden and unexpected. Even in these cases, it is necessary to act quickly in order to carefully evaluate the situation that has been created after the fracture. A tooth which falls out must often be re-implanted as soon as possible. Thus, it is fundamental to consult a dentist.

On this basis, a scale of priorities has been established where the content of the call and the seriousness of the symptoms reported by the patient are assigned a level of priority for the requested appointment which are:

  • RED: High level emergency which can compromise the overall psych-physical health of the patient therefore an immediate intervention is requested and has to be carried out over the next few hours. The red cases are oral hemorrhage, a strong and chronic facial pain, a severe or chronic trigeminal neuralgia, a block in the temporomandibular joint or severe periodontitis and mucositis.

  • YELLOW: when the emergency situation requires a sudden but not an immediate intervention. The appointment can be made during the day. Yellow cases are an alteration in swallowing, detachment of prosthetic products, asymptomatic dental fractures, bilateral loss of chewing, a break in the dental prosthesis.

  • GREEN: this deals with cases which don’t significantly compromise the patient’s general state of health like for example a unilateral or bilateral loss of the masticatory function, the detachment of a bridge or a crown in the posterior portion of the arch. In these cases, the appointment is guaranteed within a few days from the phone call.

How and when to use the dental first aid service.

The dental first aid service is active every day of the week from 8.00 to 20.00. Just call +39 030 291495 and ask for an appointment.

During the phone call, it is absolutely necessary to: explain clearly the symptomatology of the disorder, the needs and the urgency of the problem.

A secretary will collect all the information supplied by the patient and you will be called back within a few seconds to begin the resolution of the problem.

Pronto soccorso odontoiatrico

The user can also send an SMS (at the number +39 330 765221), or an email to pronto.soccorso@oralscience.eu

Both services are active 24h every day. All you need to do is send a message in which you briefly describe the problem, fill in your personal details and place in the subject field “Request for priority contact”.

Depending on the seriousness, the patient will be called back immediately by a member of our dental staff in order to begin the emergency process or by our secretary to make an appointment in the shortest time possible.


Independently from the type of urgency that must be faced, remember to remain calm even when you feel that there are no solutions available – there is always a resolution to a problem! Today, dealing with a dental emergency isn’t a problem anymore, all you need to do is contact the right people!

Dott. Antonio Scala
Dental practice Brescia